Cell Phone Risks Cited In Studies

Cell Phone Risks Cited In Studies

Adding new fuel to the debate over cell phone safety, three European research groups in separate studies have found an increased risk of brain tumors in people who have used the phones for 10 years or more.

The Radiation Poisoning Of America

The Radiation Poisoning Of America

Prior to 1996, the wireless age was not coming online fast enough, primarily because communities had the authority to block the siting of cell towers. But the Federal Communications Act of 1996 made it nearly impossible for communities to stop construction of cell towers "even if they pose threats to public health and the environment. Since the decision to enter the age of wireless convenience was politically determined for us, we have forgotten well-documented safety and environmental concerns and, with a devil-may-care zeal that is lethally short-sighted, we have incorporated into our lives every wireless toy that comes on the market. We behave as if we are addicted to radiation. Our addiction to cell phones has led to harder "drugs" like wireless Internet. And now we are bathing in the radiation that our wireless enthusiasm has unleashed. Those who are addicted, uninformed, corporately biased and politically-influenced may dismiss our scientifically-sound concerns about the apocalyptic hazards of wireless radiation. But we must not. Instead, we must sound the alarm.

Harvard Defends Berkeley's Bill Around Cell Phone Radiation (video)

Harvard Defends Berkeley's Bill Around Cell Phone Radiation (video)

Berkeley City Council members finalized their unanimous vote tonight to require cell phone retailers to provide customers with a notice about the potential health risks of carrying their phones too close to their bodies, making the progressive the city the first in the nation to have wireless warnings if the law go into effect in July.

Woman Believes Cell Phone Radiation Nearly Killed Her Husband

Woman Believes Cell Phone Radiation Nearly Killed Her Husband

Ethernet cables and phone lines cover her kitchen counter. No cordless phones, no WiFi.

"This is tobacco all over again," Marks says, "This industry, my colleagues and I think, is worse than the tobacco industry."

Marks believes radiation from the most common, even beloved technology, nearly killed her husband. Alan was diagnosed with Glioma, a type of tumor that starts in the brain or spine. In this case, malignant

Informative Infographic on How to Protect Your Children on Their Smartphone

Informative Infographic on How to Protect Your Children on Their Smartphone

For many parents, the convenience of knowing where their kids are at all times is more than enough to warrant the price of a smart phone. In fact, a solid 90% of children under the age of 16 in the UK have a mobile. But as with anything else, smart phones come with both their pros and their cons, and when you’re talking about kids, the issue gets even trickier.